
Finding My Way Back

The later part of the last year has been about finding my way back.   Now that we'd consolidated our life here in Reno, what next?   We continued to unpack boxes, organize the garage, and finalize arrangements of furniture.    We helped my sister-in-law settle into her new place as well when she moved here over the summer.  We joyfully hosted friends in our new home.   We enjoyed several fun packed trips to see the newest additions to our family in New York, Pennsylvania and Colorado .   I did my best to find fresh produce here in Nevada so that I could continue to can.  The produce I found at farmers markets was raised in California and brought to farmers markets here.   Desperate for cucumbers to pickle, I bought some while in Colorado on a trip to see my family.  I flew to Portland to celebrate India Partner's 40th year anniversary where I was reminded how great impact can be accomplished with small begin...

Letting Go, Looking Forward

I haven't had a chance to re-envision what Feel The Joy will be in Nevada.    California has approved my dissolution of the nonprofit entity.  Despite not being clear no the future of Feel The Joy, I am excited that I have been invited to join the Reno Women for Good 's leadership team on Grape Vine   And, this year I am able to participate in the California Freedom Challenge  with the Sierra Sisters in Mammoth. These are the personal realities that have made it challenging for me to carve out the time to reestablish Feel The Joy in Nevada. Last year, we learned we had to sell our place in Santa Cruz and completely let go of our life there.  We realized this after we stumbled upon the fact that our insurance company had changed the terms of our insurance such that we were not longer covered if our property wasn't our primary home.   Selling a country home like ours was no small feat.  However roughly four months later, we'd completely moved ...

For Freedom’s Sake

In a few weeks, our country will celebrate our country’s hard won victory for liberty from English tyranny. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit the Liberty Bell with my sister.  This humble bell is a symbol of freedom for our country in addition to minority groups and people from other nations throughout the world.   As we celebrate our freedom on the 4th of July,  a battle for another type of freedom is being fought, the battle for freedom from human trafficking.   This July 4th weekend, the movie “Sound of Freedom” is being released to raise the awareness regarding the severity of the problem of human trafficking.  It’s difficult not to watch this trailer and wonder what can be done to address this massive problem.  One simple way to fight this problem is to support the Freedom Challenge. A few days later after the “Sound of Freedom” movie is released,  the  Tahoe Freedom Challenge will be taking place in Tahoe to raise funds for t...

Moving Feel the Joy to Nevada

As individuals throughout the world celebrate New Years, we all tend to consider what the upcoming year will hold for us and ponder the past year.  The past few days, I have been faced with the difficult decision of how to move forward with the nonprofit Feel the Joy in the new year.  The nonprofit was created as a California corporation when I was living in California and evacuated by the CZU lightening complex fires.   I couldn’t have known I’d be moving to Nevada.  I have initiated the process of dissolving the nonprofit with the plan of reestablishing it in Nevada. The past two years, I have learned a significant amount about what’s required to manage a nonprofit from the legal perspective. I remain committed to the original vision of Feel The Joy / Susanville despited the setback of needing to reestablish it in another state.

In Loving Memory of Aunt Gloria

  Recently,  I lost more than an aunt , for my Aunt Gloria meant so much more to me than that.  This photo of us seated together was taken about ten years ago in front of her cabin near Antelope Lake where our families shared so many memories.   My aunt welcomed me to stay with her at the family ranch at a time just before I became a teenager when my family was struggling to stay together.  She rooted me in my Father's extended family making up for his absence. By educating me about our family ancestry, she gave me a sense of belonging and identity. Her great grandfather, my great great grandfather, Benjamin Leavitt had settled in Susanville in the early 1800s.  Our family were pioneers. It was the second summer that I recall the most reverence.   Aunt Gloria and I made curtains for the cabin and school cloths for me.  Mom had moved us from Nevada to California.  It was so special to have new school cloths to wear to the new sc...

About SusanvilleUP

Hi, my name is Susan.   I  registered for fun in the last '90s, since my name is Susan and my father was born and raised in Susanville.    Initially, I hosted the website from a Unix server connected to a DSL in my San Jose, California home where I published my favorite recipes, created the first California Alliance For the Mentally Ill website and was an affiliate for Amazon recommending my favorite books. After one of the startup companies I worked for folded, I decided to consider pursuing my passions of helping nonprofits raise money using my technical experience.   I signed up for the weekend hackathon TechRaising and out of convenience used my domain to prototype the website for the weekend.  The local Santa Cruz newspaper featured Susanville in their article that weekend.  I then applied and was accepted into the National Science I-Corp Lean Startup program.   The program encourage...