For Freedom’s Sake

In a few weeks, our country will celebrate our country’s hard won victory for liberty from English tyranny. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit the Liberty Bell with my sister. This humble bell is a symbol of freedom for our country in addition to minority groups and people from other nations throughout the world. As we celebrate our freedom on the 4th of July, a battle for another type of freedom is being fought, the battle for freedom from human trafficking. This July 4th weekend, the movie “Sound of Freedom” is being released to raise the awareness regarding the severity of the problem of human trafficking. It’s difficult not to watch this trailer and wonder what can be done to address this massive problem. One simple way to fight this problem is to support the Freedom Challenge. A few days later after the “Sound of Freedom” movie is released, the Tahoe Freedom Challenge will be taking place in Tahoe to raise funds for t...