About SusanvilleUP

Hi, my name is Susan. I registered Susanville.com for fun in the last '90s, since my name is Susan and my father was born and raised in Susanville. Initially, I hosted the Susanville.com website from a Unix server connected to a DSL in my San Jose, California home where I published my favorite recipes, created the first California Alliance For the Mentally Ill website and was an affiliate for Amazon recommending my favorite books. After one of the startup companies I worked for folded, I decided to consider pursuing my passions of helping nonprofits raise money using my technical experience. I signed up for the weekend hackathon TechRaising and out of convenience used my Susanville.com domain to prototype the website for the weekend. The local Santa Cruz newspaper featured Susanville in their article that weekend. I then applied and was accepted into the National Science I-Corp Lean Startup program. The program encourage...